by Rick Boyer | May 1, 2019 | History Stories
Ben Franklin was a scientist as well as a statesman. His most famous scientific experiment is the one in which he proved that lightning is electricity. Ben had long suspected that this was true. Because he noticed that lightning usually struck the highest parts of...
by Rick Boyer | Sep 3, 2018 | History Stories
Hey, Mom! It’s Uncle Rick. Do your kids know the amazing true story of Revolutionary heroine Nancy Hart? This tough colonial woman protected her children from five marauding Tories-and captured them single-handedly! Enjoy this short video from Uncle Rick with...
by Rick Boyer | Jun 21, 2018 | Character Lessons, History Stories
The Continental Congress that represented American citizens during the War of Independence was one of the most remarkable aggregations of men in history. They came from all over the colonies and from many different backgrounds. Nearly all of them were dedicated...
by Rick Boyer | Feb 19, 2018 | History Stories
Hey Little Buddies! Who was John Peter Gabriel Muhlenberg? John Peter Gabriel Muhlenberg was a Lutheran pastor when the Revolutionary War began. He had much earlier made up his mind that if war came, he would throw in his lot with the Americans over the British. On...
by Rick Boyer | Jan 16, 2018 | History Stories
Hand of Providence at Dorchester Heights a history story with uncle rick On the night of March 4, the batteries opened up again. While they distracted the enemy, 2,000 American troops marched up Dorchester Heights hauling cannons and equipment. They placed hay bales...
by Rick Boyer | Dec 27, 2017 | History Stories
The Courageous Ride of Sybil Ludington – A History Story with Uncle Rick It was April 26, 1777. The sun was going down behind the clouds and the gathering darkness turned the distant trees into shapeless forms of shadow. The Ludington family was preparing to...