A Trip to Yorktown

A Trip to Yorktown

Hey little buddies, I want to tell you all about where Miss Marilyn (my wife) and I went recently. We made a trip to Yorktown, VA which is about 3 hours from our home. Yorktown is credited for being the final battle of the War of Independence. This is where Cornwallis...

Puppy is Not a Dog

Puppy is Not a Dog – a glimpse into uncle rick’s life If you ever thought about it, you would probably expect that the Boyer family has had a lot of pets over the years. After all, Miz Marilyn and I raised fourteen children. And children love pets....

Meet Mosby

Hey, little buddies! I’d like you to meet my buddy, Mosby. Mosby came to me as a roly-poly, eight-week-old puppy.  He is a yellow Labrador Retriever and his puppy coat was nearly white! He loved to chew on things and chase things, as puppies always do.  It had...