Why do Parents Love Uncle Rick?

intent_listenerUncle Rick makes car trips fun and gives kids something better to do than argue (use caution though—we’ve had some parents tell us that they got so wrapped up in Uncle Rick while driving that they ended up at the wrong destination!)

    • Uncle Rick selects only KID-SAFE books to read to your kids
    • You can have peace of mind knowing they won’t encounter any profanity, immorality or pick up any bad attitudes here
    • Uncle Rick audio books are available through his Audio Book Club at bargain prices
    • Uncle Rick has time to read when Mom and Dad don’t
    • Uncle Rick reads Scripture with lessons on how to apply it to daily life[/custom_list]


1Uncle Rick teaches traditional American values—character, patriotism, a love of freedom and reverence for God.
2 Uncle Rick reads to your kids as he reads to his own—with character comments, example stories and explanations of hard words and concepts.
3Uncle Rick reads great old books that emphasize character and teach the truth about America’s providential history.


[custom_frame_left parallax=”off” shadow=”on”]”Thank you so much for your stellar performance as Uncle Rick. Your opening for the Duggar Family LIVE! event was absolutely wonderful. The children were engaged in your unique storytelling and our parents appreciated the opportunity for learning. Who knew history could be so much fun!”

-Kay Orr, Texas Home School Coalition[/custom_frame_left]

[custom_frame_left parallax=”off” shadow=”on”]”Today I started with Proverbs 1. A few words into it, I paused, and to my amazement my five year old proceeded to recite, nearly word perfect, the entire chapter. How? By listening to Uncle Rick at naptime! I’ll be adding all the rest of the Uncle Rick Bible recordings to our collection!”

-Mae Wilson[/custom_frame_left]