Uncle Rick Reads Dave Dawson and the Pacific Fleet


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The intrepid Yank ace and his English buddy once more perform miracles and pave the way for the U.S. forces’ glorious naval victory in the Marshall Islands.


World War II Adventure
Dave Dawson serves under the U S flag at last! With America in the war, he and his pal Freddy Farmer are sent to Washington to receive an assignment as flying officers on the Aircraft Carrier Indian, on Pacific duty. But their secret and even more important job are to ferret out the Axis spies who are operating in Uncle Sam's own Navy.
Nazi agents try to kill them even before they reach the Coast. Then, once aboard the Indian, the fun really begins.
But the intrepid Yank ace and his English buddy once more perform miracles and actually pave the way for the U.S. forces' glorious naval victory in the Marshall Islands.


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