Bible and Character Stories

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Uncle Rick Reads Bible Stories Volume 1 Creation through the flood, Adam and Eve, and Cain Kills his brother Abel- Uncle Rick makes these exciting stories come alive with his folksy, colorful commentary. Young folks of all ages will learn life-changing character lessons and have a ball at the same

Uncle Rick Reads Bible Stories Volume 2 (Tower of Babel through Isaac) They thought they’d build a tower to heaven- it didn’t work so well. Lot and his family escaped from the destruction of Sodom, faithful Abraham left his home for an unknown country, fought  four kings, fathered in his old age, and then prepared to offer that son as a human sacrifice! More Old Testament adventures come to life in the second volume of exciting Uncle Rick Bible Stories. download

growwisdomGrowing in Wisdom Do you find it difficult explaining to your children why they should choose to do the right thing, making wise choices rather than just doing what they feel like doing? Uncle Rick, does just that as he reads God’s Word dealing with 32 negative character traits and their corresponding positive qualities. As he reads, he comments as he does for his own children. Let Uncle Rick point your children in the right direction!  You’ll want to listen again and again as you watch your children learn to make the wise choices based on Scripture! download
CharTrailsCD imageUncle Rick`s Character Trails Stories is a new addition to our curriculum. Uncle Rick reads the passage from scripture in story form, giving his character building comments while he reads. Let Uncle Rick help your child learn to internalize the truths he is studying! download

MatthewNEW_L (1)Uncle Rick reads through the Book of Matthew, explaining difficult words as he reads and interspersing character comments to help your children learn how to apply what they hear. The study of character is in fact learning the attributes of Jesus. What better place to learn of Jesus than in the Gospel of Matthew. Let Uncle Rick help your kids to be more like Jesus. download 
PsalmsNEW_L (1)Uncle Rick Reads the Psalms Rick Boyer reads the Psalms just as he reads it to his own kids — complete with comments, colorful example stories and simple explanations of unusual words in the


proverbs150Uncle Rick Reads The Proverbs Part I download
Uncle Rick Reads The Proverbs Part II



Recommended for children ages 3-12. This is one of the best things we did with our kids. We would play them at nap time and bedtime and our children learned tons of Scripture without even trying. As they grew up it helped them to view the world through the framework of God’s Word and as adults, the Scriptures learned as children still pops up to guide them through life!


Combined Download!
1-Peter-LargeBook of 1 Peter Join Uncle Rick as he reads Book of I Peter complete with character comments. Turn on the audio as your child goes to sleep and he will soon be quoting the Book of I Peter. What a fun, easy way to hide God’s Word in your child`s heart! I Peter helps us learn our roles in life as a child, husband, and wife, and how to interact with others. (Read in KJV)
James-webBook of James Uncle Rick reads the Book of James in his usual style, explaining difficult words as he goes along. Listen at naptime or bedtime or even playtime and your child will learn the Book of James without even trying. The Book of James helps us learn how to control our tongue and also how to deal with temptation. God’s Word never returns void!


book-of-john-150Gospel of John Nowhere in Scripture do we see our Lord Jesus Christ more “up close and personal” than in the Gospel written by the Beloved Disciple. As Uncle Rick opens this beautiful book to your son or daughter, they will understand in a new way the power of the lessons our Lord taught through simple, everyday things such as vines and branches, sheep and the shepherd. Join Uncle Rick and take a walk with the Master. KJV – NEW!


Next Release Coming Soon!